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    Polymer alloy plastic cable tray


    Product introduction: The polymer alloy plastic cable tray is a new generation of cable tray developed by our company according to the cable tray standard formulated by the Engineering Construction Committee. Its anti-corrosion performance, mechanical performance, anti-aging performance, etc. are greater than other cable tray products. The second generation of polymer alloy plastic cable tray (lined with alloy plate) is the crystallization of long-term research by our company's personnel. The aluminum magnesium alloy plate material is added to the cable tray to prevent corrosion and rust caused by the exposed metal at the cable tray port, realizing the technical breakthrough of no support for large span or even super large span. The anti-corrosion raw materials selected for the polymer alloy plastic cable tray have flame retardant properties, with an oxygen index of more than 50%, which can be widely used in various corrosive environments and can be used in the open air for a long time.

    Product advantages: Polymer materials themselves are flame retardant, and self extinguishing materials belong to the flame retardant level. They can effectively prevent cable losses caused by external fires, and strive for effective fire extinguishing time. Polymer resins are improved with various materials that are resistant to impact, flame, UV, high and low temperatures, etc. to form corrosive gases and liquids that are resistant to strong acids, strong alkalis, salts, ammonia, high humidity, etc. They are highly flame retardant, anti-static, shielding, and aging resistant, with a service life of over 50 years. The use of high span and heavy load conditions can better reflect its own value, save manpower, material resources, and raw materials, and after several years, polymer alloy plastic cable trays can still be recycled and reused.

    Wind resistance level IP65, resistance to wind load level ten, ignition point 245 *, and service life for at least 50 years in environments not exceeding 60.

    contact us

    Jiangsu Xinhantong Intelligent Electrical Technology Co., Ltd

    Tel: 0511-80303080

    Fax: 0511-80303081

    Address: No.1 Chaoyang North Road, Chengbei Science and Technology Industrial Park, Sanmao Street, Yangzhong City

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