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    Jiangsu Xinhantong Intelligent Electrical Technology Co., Ltd

    Tel: 0511-80303080

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    Address: No.1 Chaoyang North Road, Chengbei Science and Technology Industrial Park, Sanmao Street, Yangzhong City

    Bridge construction matters


    1、 Construction

    Measurement and positioning → Support and hanger manufacturing device → Bridge device → Grounding treatment

    2、 Construction methods and skill methods

    (1) Measurement and positioning: Use the line snapping method to mark the equipment position of the bridge, determine the fixed position of the bracket, and mark it correctly. Composite cable tray is the second generation product in the cable tray series and a new type of cable tray. It is suitable for laying various projects, units, and cables. It has the characteristics of simple structure, flexible configuration, convenient installation, and novel form. The positioning of the bridge in the vertical shaft should first use the suspension line method to determine the device reference line. If the reserved hole is not suitable, it should be adjusted and repaired in real time.

    (2) Bracket manufacturing device

    (3) According to the construction drawing design elevation and bridge specifications, locate and manufacture the bracket based on the measured dimensions. These brackets are produced in the factory. All components of the cable tray need to be galvanized and installed on the outdoor tray outside the building. The full name of a rigid structural system, including straight sections, elbows, tees, groove types, tray or stepped cross sections, as well as support arms, hangers, etc., which have tightly connected support cables. Slot type cable tray, also known as slot type cable tray, is a fully enclosed cable tray suitable for laying computer cables, communication cables, thermocouple cables, and other control cables for high sensitivity systems. It has good effects on shielding control cables from interference and protecting cables in highly corrosive environments. There is no ceiling beam bottom lifting or wall support device, but there is a ceiling internal lifting or wall support device. In public places without suspended ceiling, connect structural members, and take into account the beauty and convenience of construction and maintenance, use wall or column support devices or install them on the bottom chord members of Truss roof. The bracket of the wall mounted device is fixed with expansion bolts, and the spacing between the brackets does not exceed 2 meters. Supports and hangers should be added at the intersection of straight and non straight sections, at the deformation joints of buildings, and in the middle of non straight sections with a bending radius greater than 300mm. The support and hanger device should ensure that the degree or verticality of the bridge meets the requirements.

    (4) Bridging device

    ① Regarding the extraordinary appearance of the bridge, the dimensions measured on-site will be handed over to the means supplier, who will manufacture based on the dimensions and reduce on-site processing. The material, model, thickness, and accessories of the bridge meet the design requirements.

    ② Before installing the bridge, it is necessary to coordinate with various specialties to prevent conflicts between large diameter fire pipes, sprinkler pipes, hot and cold water pipes, drainage pipes, as well as air conditioning and exhaust equipment.

    ③ Lift the bridge to the predetermined position and secure it to the bracket with bolts. Carefully check the dimensions at the turn. The slope of this bridge should be the same as the slope of the building. For bridges on curved building walls, the curved shape should be consistent with the building. The bridge is connected to the bridge through a connecting plate, and the connecting bolt is a half round head bolt, which is located on the inner side of the bridge. The cracks between cable trays must meet the design requirements to ensure that the cable trays of the system are integrated.

    ④ Bridges crossing deformation joints in buildings should be treated as expansion joints in accordance with the enterprise standard "Special Steel Cable Tray Installation Technology". When the straight section of the steel bridge exceeds 30m, a thermal expansion compensation device should be installed.

    ⑤ The bridge device is horizontal and vertical, with a uniform and beautiful appearance

    contact us

    Jiangsu Xinhantong Intelligent Electrical Technology Co., Ltd

    Tel: 0511-80303080

    Fax: 0511-80303081

    Address: No.1 Chaoyang North Road, Chengbei Science and Technology Industrial Park, Sanmao Street, Yangzhong City

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