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    Contact Us

    Jiangsu Xinhantong Intelligent Electrical Technology Co., Ltd

    Tel: 0511-80303080

    Fax: 0511-80303081

    Address: No.1 Chaoyang North Road, Chengbei Science and Technology Industrial Park, Sanmao Street, Yangzhong City

    Type of bus duct


    Bus ducts can be divided into the following types according to different working conditions and site requirements:

    -Ordinary type: suitable for general power supply occasions, with good conductivity and insulation performance.

    -Anticorrosive type: suitable for humid and corrosive environments, with characteristics of anti-corrosion, waterproof, moisture-proof, and dustproof.

    -High conductivity type: suitable for high current situations and able to meet the needs of high current density.

    -Fire resistant: suitable for occasions with fire protection requirements, able to withstand high temperatures and prevent fire spread.

    contact us

    Jiangsu Xinhantong Intelligent Electrical Technology Co., Ltd

    Tel: 0511-80303080

    Fax: 0511-80303081

    Address: No.1 Chaoyang North Road, Chengbei Science and Technology Industrial Park, Sanmao Street, Yangzhong City

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